Top 5 Tips for Divorcing Entrepreneurs

The stakes of divorce are high, especially for entrepreneurs. The intertwining of personal and business affairs adds layers of difficulty that can impact both their personal lives and their businesses. Here are five key tactics to help entrepreneurs navigate divorce.

  1. Understand Business Valuation and Asset Division

    One of the most significant issues for divorcing entrepreneurs is the division of business assets. Unlike a typical divorce, where property division might be straightforward, dividing business assets involves evaluating business and intellectual property value and understanding each party's contribution.

    Is your spouse a co-owner or holding equity in the business? Their ownership stake will influence how assets are divided. Similarly, both direct and indirect spousal support of your business may be calculated in asset division.

    Consider how much your spouse has contributed to the business. This includes direct contributions, such as working for the business, and indirect contributions, such as managing household responsibilities and supporting your entrepreneurial endeavors.

    Consult with a financial advisor or business valuation expert to accurately assess your business's worth, including assets, liabilities, and potential future earnings. How might a business buyout benefit or harm the situation?

    Divorce can also have significant tax implications for entrepreneurs. A tax advisor can help you understand the potential tax consequences of dividing business assets.

  2. Reevaluate the Power of Your Prenup

    Prenups and postnuptial agreements can play a crucial role in divorce proceedings, especially for entrepreneurs. These documents outline financial matters and the terms of asset division that will apply in the event of divorce.

    Prenuptial agreements typically divide any assets and liabilities acquired before and during the marriage. Postnuptial agreements can modify the terms of a prenuptial agreement or address new circumstances that have arisen since the marriage. If drafted correctly, both can protect your business interests.

    While you can include all kinds of provisions in a prenup, this doesn't mean they will hold water in court. While these agreements can simplify the divorce process, they must be clear and legally enforceable to be effective.

    If you are considering divorce, have a lawyer thoroughly review your prenuptial and postnuptial agreements. If your agreements were poorly drafted or do not cover business assets adequately, you might need to renegotiate or seek legal remedies.

  3. Protect Your Business Operations

    Frequent legal engagements and stressful home life can impact daily operations and potentially harm your business during a divorce. Develop a plan to manage business operations. Delegate responsibilities or hire interim management if necessary.

    Remember, work to maintain confidentiality about the divorce. While it may be tempting to vent to co-workers or inform close partners in advance, keeping your personal business private during this time can help avoid potential impacts on business relationships and employee morale. A divorce lawyer experienced in entrepreneur divorce can advise you on when and how to share your situation.

  4. Manage Financial Strain and Cash Flow

    The costs associated with divorce, including legal fees, settlement payments, and potential changes in income, can significantly strain business and personal finances. Managing cash flow and financial obligations becomes crucial to maintaining stability.

    Ensure that the business can cover its ongoing expenses and obligations without interruption. Work with a financial planner to ensure sufficient liquidity and effective cash flow management. A solid plan should also account for any potential changes in your business’s financial landscape post-divorce.

  5. Actively Pursue Emotional Support and Well-being

    Last—but certainly not least—maintaining a healthy routine is vital for both personal health and business productivity during divorce. Prioritize a healthy diet, regular exercise, and time for relaxation. Engage in spiritual practices or hobbies that help you stay grounded.

    A strong support network and professional counseling can help alleviate the emotional challenges of divorce and preserve a strong level of focus on your business.

Ultimately, the best advice is to be proactive. Familiarizing yourself with business asset division, understanding the legal effectiveness of your prenuptial and postnuptial agreements, and prioritizing emotional well-being can make this complex process easier.

Work smarter, not harder. Plan ahead, adjust your lifestyle, and protect your entrepreneurial endeavors to ensure a smooth and successful transition into your future.


Dror Bikel

Dror Bikel co-founded Bikel Rosenthal & Schanfield, New York’s best known firm for high-conflict matrimonial disputes. A New York Superlawyer℠ and twice recognized (2020 and 2021) New York Divorce Trial Lawyer of the Year, Dror’s reputation as a fearsome advocate in difficult custody and divorce disputes has led him to deliver solid outcomes in some of New York’s most complex family law trials. Attorney Bikel is a frequent commentator on high profile divorces for national and international media outlets. His book The 1% Divorce - When Titans Clash was a 5-category Amazon bestseller.

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